guardians of galaxy - cover

Guardians 8 Bit

Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout is getting some swanky new aesthetics for an up and coming episode. As part of a story line that spans four episodes, the group of misfits will jump into a Black Vortex Mirror, which will propel them into new worlds and, more importantly, new animation styles

Guardians of the Galaxy - 8 Bit video game style
Guardians of the Galaxy – 8 Bit video game style

The Guardians will feature in the style of an 8 Bit video game animation, claymation and a vintage silver screen vibe.

Make sure you check it out when Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout airs later this year, and tell us in the comments if the 8 Bit style was the best or you preferred one of the other treatments?

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