Welcome! This site will be dedicated to 8-BIT and 16-BIT visual culture.
The purpose of this site is partly to server as a scrapbook for us to collect nice examples of graphics as visual reference, partly just as a blog, and partly to showcase of our own original works.
Eventually, Iwe hope it will also be a home to a community for those of you interested in the culture to share and discuss great pixel art.
We won’t be strict here. The focus is not limited to projects that follow precise and exact 8-BIT and 16-BIT limitations. There are so many good examples out there right now of ‘HI-BIT’ or ‘8-BITish’ art styles that use 8-BIT or 16-BIT graphics as an inspiration, but build upon it to produce results impossible back in the 1990’s.
Projects that do work under original limitations, like Tanglewood deserve a massive amount of respect, but projects like the upcoming ‘The Last Night’ are also incredibly exciting as a fan of pixel art in general.
So please, if you are interested in 8-BIT, 16-BIT, 8-BITish, HI-BIT graphics or games, give us a follow on social media and hit up the comments here to let us know what you think.
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